eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress >

Update Center

Click on CENTER level.
Highlight the required Center in Selected Centers.

This is a view only screen!

Click on edit to access the Center Form and e.g.:
- change the scientific and/or financial status of the Center
- change the principal investigator
- change the target number of patients for the Center

Options linked to Selected Centers:

PARAMETERS: to enter the parameters of a particular Center.
ASSOCIATED PERS.: to enter the associated personnel for a particular Center participating in a study.
INTERNAL PERS.: to enter the sponsor personnel for a particular Center participating in a study.
MATERIAL: to track 'Materials' for a particular Center.
SUMMARY: to view or enter the recruitment summary of a particular Center.
TRACKING: to enter 'Exchanges' related to a particular Center, and to get access to the 'Patient List' option to enter information about Patients
to track and plan different type of exchanges, reports and reports review for a Center
PATIENT LIST: to enter the information about Patients (Visits, Procedures, Problems, AE, SDV...) for a particular Center.
CENTR. PROCEDURES: to view and/or track the 'Centralized Procedures'those have been performed within a particular Center participating.
PROBLEMS: to enter 'Problems' related to a particular Center.
FINANCIAL CONTRACTS: to enter financial contracts of a particular Center.
CRF: to enter CRF data for center's patients.
DCF: to enter DCF for center's patients.
DRUG KITS MNGMT (Numbered, Not Numbered, Shipment, Reception) : to manage drug kits for a particular center.
FILES MANAGEMENT: to track the Trial master Files for Center level
EC/AUTHORITIES: to select the required EC/Authorities necessary for the submission tracking for Center level
SUBMISSIONS: to track all the submissions for Center level
SPONSOR ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for sponsor at Center level.
INVEST. ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for CENTER at Center level.