eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress > Enter Patients >

Track CRF for a Patient

Click on CRF in Patient Number: to get to the Entry of Patient CRF Data window or click on CRF under CENTER level in the tree displayed. As long as no CRF set has been associated to the highlighted patient, the window is empty.
Click on ASSOCIATION OF A SET OF CRF TO A PATIENT option to associate a CRF set to a patient.
Enter the CRF number
Click on SAVE in the right horizontal toolbar. All the components of the CRF set defined at the Study level are created (open the tree in the left part to see them)

If the date of occurrence of the step and initials of the person who performed it are entered per section, then this date and initials are automatically populated to all lower levels belonging to this section.
If date has been populated, it is still possible to change dates and initials in the fields where the data has been populated.
If a data which has been entered for the Set of CRF or for the section and populated to the underlying levels is editd, the new data entered is not populated to the underlying levels.
If no data has been entered for the set of CRF or section steps, then if a step has been filled for underlying elements, the date of completion of the last one is automatically populated to the direct related upper level (not the initials).
A set of CRF can be associated to the selected patient only if one is valid (see chapter 'Create CRF Set').
A set of CRF number is unique per Study.
A set of CRF can be associated multiple times to a patient.
The Steps displayed in the right part are the ones defined in PARAMETERS option at the Study level. For each line in the right part of the window, the steps can be entered. Before entering steps, select the right item in the left part.
You can select other patient in this window by selecting in the field PATIENT when the window is saved, to be able to edit the CRF set for all the patients of the Center without close the window.
It is not possible to delete other components (except additional page) of the CRF a part of the whole set of CRF.

Click on edit in the right horizontal toolbar to track your CRF set by following your steps.

Entry of Patient CRF Data

Options in Entry of Patient CRF Data:
: to add a set of CRF to a patient.
Track DCF for a Patient : to enter a DCF for the selected CRF.
: to add an additional page manually at all levels. All steps defined for the Study are automatically associated to it.
: to access to the DCFs already created.
(in the right horizontal toolbar): to clean the data of the selected step and all its dependent sections and/or pages.