eTM Help > Study Planning > Study Level for a Study in Planning >

Edit Study

Click on STUDY level.
To edit/enter information for a study, highlight the study and click on edit in the right horizontal lower toolbar to edit the Study Form.

This is a view only screen!

All studies which you have selected in the selection window are displayed here.

This window is the Summary window of the Study Form (3 tabs). It indicates the general characteristics of the currently highlighted study: Product, Study No., Short Study Title, Therap. Area, Study Type, Study Purpose, Study ID, Financial Status, Scientific Status.

Selected Studies is a view only window. Editing information in the Selected Studies window itself is not possible.

Options linked to Selected Studies:

PARAMETERS: to enter the parameters of the study.

VISITS SCHEDULES: to create visit schedule(s) for the study.

SDV LIST: to define SDV list for the study.

PRODUCTS: to enter the products used in the study.

ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS: to track the essential documents for study level.

ASSOCIATED PERSONNEL: to enter associated personnel for the study.

INTERNAL PERSONNEL: to enter internal personnel for the study.

TRACKING: to enter exchanges for the study.

MATERIAL: to enter and track materials used in the study (e.g. CRFs.

PROBLEMS: to enter problems related to the study.

PLANNING: to set up study milestones.

CENTR. PROCEDURES: to track centralized procedures such as lab

FINANCIAL CONTRACTS: to enter financial contracts of the study.

DRUG KITS: to enter drug kits for the study.

BATCH MANAGEMENT: to manage batch numbers for the study.

DRUG KITS MANAGEMENT( Numbered, Not Numbered, Shipment, Reception): to manage drug kits for the study.

CRF SET: to create CRF set for the study.

FILES MANAGEMENT: to track the trial master files at the study level