eTM Help > Study Planning > Study/Country Level >

Create/Update Study/Country

Click on STUDY/COUNTRY level.

This is a view only screen!

To create a new Study/Country click on ADD in the lower right toolbar in Selected Studies/Countries and enter the data of the Study/Country Form.
To edit information on an existing study/country, highlight the study/country and click on edit in the lower right toolbar in Selected Studies/Countries and edit the data of the Study/Country Form.

All studies/countries which you have selected in the selection window are displayed here, i.e., as long as you haven't entered a study/country and selected only your current study in the selection window, this screen is empty. If the screen is empty although you already created study/countries, go back to the selection window and edit your selection
This window is the Summary window of the Study/Country Form (3 tabs). It is a view only window. Editing information in the Selected Studies/Countries window itself is not possible
Selected Studies/Countries indicates the general characteristics of the currently highlighted study/country: Product, Country, Study No., Local Study Number, Short Study Title, Study ID, Coordinator (if applicable), Scientific Status, Target Number of Centers, Target Number of Patients.
Options linked to Selected Studies/Countries:

PARAMETERS: to enter the parameters of the study/country.
MANAGED COUNTRIES: to specify the 'Managed Countries' participating in a study.
ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS: to track the essential documents for study/country level.
RECRUITMENT PLAN: to enter/edit recruitment plan.
INTERNAL PERSONNEL: to enter pre-selected correspondents, sponsor and associated personnels, contacts for the study/country, financial disclosure.
ASSOCIATED PERSONNEL: to enter associated personnels and contacts for the study/country.
PRE.SELECTED COR. to enter pre-selected correspondents.
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: to enter financial disclosure
REGULATORY AGREEMENT: to view and/or enter information regarding center regulatory approval.
MATERIAL: to enter and track material used in the study (e.g., CRFs).
PROBLEMS: to view and/or enter 'Problems' for a particular country participating in a study.
SUMMARY: to view and save summary of up to date patient statuses.
CENTRL. PROCEDURES: to track centralized procedures such as lab.
EXTERNALIZED SERVICES: to enter Organizations who are performing services for sponsor with regard to the study/countr.y
FINANCIAL CONTRACTS: to enter financial contracts of the study/country.
DRUG KIT MANAGEMENT (Numbered, Not Numbered, Shipment, Reception): to manage drug kits for the study/country.
TRACKING: to enter exchanges for the study/country.
FILES MANAGEMENT: to track the Trial master Files for study/country level
EC/AUTHORITIES: to select the required EC/Authorities necessary for the submission tracking for study/country level
SUBMISSIONS: to track all the submissions for study/country level