eTM Help > Study in Progress > Study/Country Level for Study in Progress >

Enter Study/Country Automatic Summary

Highlighted the desired Study/Country in Selected Studies/Countries window.
If in Study/Country Parameters for monitoring level at least 'Centers' (even if not 'Patients') is ticked, i.e., Centers are tracked individually in the system via Selected Centers, you will get the window Study/Country Automatic Summaries.

Click on ADD in the right lower horizontal toolbar to add the current summary

If the figures displayed are not correct, go to the summary of the Center respectively Patient List (as appropriate) and to external services provider summary (if applicable) and make the necessary changes there.
The CROs line is the total of all summaries) from EXTERNALIZED SERVICES option.
Treatment Premature Term. (AE) shows the number of patients discontinued due to AE code.

The fields in the white row are populated automatically depending on the data of the Center summary respectively Patient List or Center Manual Summary.
The fields in CROs grey are also populated automatically depending on the data of the Summaries via EXTERNALIZED SERVICES option.
If the figures displayed in Study/Country Automatic Summary are not correct, go to the summary of the Center respectively Patient List and Center Manual Summary and make the necessary changes.