eTM Help > Study Planning > Study/Country Level >

Define Associated Personnel at the Study/Country Level

Highlighted the desired study/country in Selected Studies/Countries window.
Click on ASSOCIATED PERS. under STUDY/COUNTRY level in the tree displayed.
Click on ADD in the right lower horizontal toolbar.

Contact, Function.
This screen is for the entry of persons associated with the study on a study/country level basis. This does not refer to external services providers such as CROs, Core Labs, etc. These should not be entered here, but under Externalized Services option.

Enter external personnel associated with the study on a study/country level basis (e.g., Health Authority persons with function study coordinator). Usually there won't be many associated persons on study/country level.
Do not enter persons for external services providers such as CROs or Core Labs. For those, please use the window External Services (see chapter 'Define Externalized Services'). Only exception: if somebody acts as a centralizer, he also needs to be entered as associated personnel in order to be available in the pick list of 'Centralizer' in Centralized Procedures window.
All persons entered here will automatically be populated to the respective pick list for the creation of contacts at the study/country level
Persons entered here will be populated to Study Associated Personnel List on study level with country being the study/country for which they have been entered as associated personnel.

Option on Study/Country Associated Personnel List:

TRACKING: to enter exchange(s) with the selected study/country associated personnel

Report on Associated Personnel at Study/Country level