eTM Help > Study Planning > Center Level >

Create Centers

Click on CENTER level.

This is a view only screen!

To create a new Center, click on ADD in the lower right toolbar in Selected Centers and enter the data of the Center Form.

The Selected Centers window indicates the general characteristics of the selected Center: country, study no., Center number, investigator, location, scientific and financial status.
Summary window of the Center Form (1 tab).
Allows you to create a new center.
Allows you to modify data of an existing Center by clicking on edit in the lower right horizontal toolbar, but entering of information in the Selected Centers itself is not possible.
The information about the Center address/phone/fax displayed in the screen at 'Investigator' comes from the correspondent database and is populated automatically in this screen when the principal investigator is selected from the Contact List for the Center Form.
Once a center has been entered in the system the Center number cannot be changed.

Options linked to Selected Centers:

PARAMETERS: to enter the parameters of a particular Center.
SPONSOR ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for sponsor at Center level.
INVEST. ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for CENTER at Center level.
ASSOCIATED PERS.: to enter the associated personnel for a particular Center participating in a study.
INTERNAL PERS.: to enter the sponsor personnel for a particular Center participating in a study.
MATERIAL: to track 'Materials' for a particular Center.
SUMMARY: to view or enter the recruitment summary of a particular Center.
TRACKING: to enter 'Exchanges' related to a particular Center, and to get access to the 'Patient List' option to enter information about Patients.
to track and plan different type of exchanges, reports and reports review for a Center
PATIENT LIST: to enter the information about Patients (Visits, Procedures, Problems, AE, SDV...) for a particular Center.
CENTR. PROCEDURES: to view and/or track the 'Centralized Procedures' those have been performed within a particular Center participating.
PROBLEMS: to enter 'Problems' related to a particular Center.
FINANCIAL CONTRACTS: to enter financial contracts of a particular Center.
CRF: to enter CRF data for center's patients.
DCF: to enter DCF for center's patients.
DRUG KITS MNGMT (Numbered, Not Numbered, Shipment, Reception) : to manage drug kits for a particular center.
SPONSOR ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for sponsor
at Center level
INVEST. ESS. DOCS.: to track the 'Essentials Documents' for Center at
Center level
FILES MANAGEMENT: to track the Trial master Files for Center level
EC/AUTHORITIES: to select the required EC/Authorities necessary for the submission tracking for Center level
SUBMISSIONS: to track all the submissions for Center level