eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress > Enter Patients > Steps to Enter Patients >

Patients who were entered

Click on ADD in the right horizontal toolbar in Patient List window, to add a new patient.

Enter the patient overview data.

Enter the visits and procedures if applicable.

Deliver the drug kits if applicable.

You can enter the problem and AE if applicable.

Track the SDV list if applicable.

Track the CRF and DCF if applicable.

Make sure to check Status, Treatment Status, and Follow-up Status and change as appropriate each time you enter data for a patient. These statuses affect the summary reports. Therefore it is crucial that they are correct.

If patient did not complete the Study, depending on the point of time when he dropped out from the Study, change Treatment Status respectively Follow-up Status to 'Discontinued Study Drug' and 'Discontinued Post Study Drug' and select reason for the drop out at Premature Term. Reason and Follow-up Term. Reason.