eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress > Enter Patients >

Enter Procedures for a Patient

Highlight the procedure for which you want to enter data. The entry form for the highlighted procedure is displayed in the right part of the window.

If you tick 'Performed' first, then 'Actual Date' is automatically populated with the date displayed as theoretical date. If you do not want to track the date when the procedure was performed in eTM, you have to delete the date manually.
If you enter 'Actual Date' first, 'Performed' is ticked automatically.
If you tick 'Collected' first (only accessible for centralized procedures), then 'Date' is entered automatically (date of the contact if window is accessed via Center Contact List respectively current date if window is accessed via Patient List).

All procedures that have been defined as compulsory in the visit schedule at Study level are automatically displayed.
Not compulsory or floating procedures that have been defined in the visit schedule at Study level can be added manually if necessary to the corresponding visit.

To add a not compulsory or floating procedure defined in the visit schedule