eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress > Enter Patients >

Source Document Verification for a Patient

Click on SDV in the left horizontal toolbar to get to the Patient Number: -SDV Form window. As long you haven't created a list for your Study, this screen will be empty.

A list can be used only when its status at the Study level is "valid" ( "Create List of Source Document / Data to Verify" or "Create / edit List of Source Document / Data to Verify")
The list is sort according to the order defined at the Study level (List of Source Document / Data to Verify).
You can select other patients in this window by clicking in the field PATIENT when the window is saved, to be able to edit the SDV for all the patients of the Center without close the window.

Steps to track SDV for a patient

Steps to enter a Problem linked to SDV

SDV Form

SDV List

Option in Patient Number: - SDV Form:

PROBLEM: to notify and link problems to the Verification of a Source Document.