Click on the SECTION icon in the left horizontal toolbar in
the Set of CRF window.
Name or Prefix.
A section can be created at the same hierarchical level
than the one selected or to a lower level. If you highlighted a
section before clicking on SECTION, a field is displayed to
indicate if it is a creation at the current level or a lower
A section can be created at four hierarchical levels.
A section cannot refer to a page.
A section name is unique per level.
'Search in other
Schedules' icon allows you to copy an
entire CRF set or single section/pages from another study
(described in detail later on). Of course you can copy and
paste sections and pages from within your CRF set using the
buttons in the left horizontal toolbar.
Via Multiple Creation part, you can rapidly create sections and
Linked to the order of creation: The order can be changed by
using or buttons.
Create sections in consecutive order,
i.e., create first section of the CRF first, enter all sections
and pages for this section, then create second section
Create a Section
Create Multiple Sections