eTM Help > Study in Progress > Center Level for Study in Progress > Enter Patients >

Patient Tree

The patient tree:
- The left part of the window displays the patient data in a 'tree-like' structure.
- In the right part of the window you find the details for the line highlighted in the left part of the window

Steps to Enter Patients

Patient Status

Options in Patient Number (available during the whole entry procedure in left horizontal toolbar):
VISIT: to add a non-compulsory visit for a patient.
PROCEDURE: to add a non-compulsory procedure for the highlighted visit.
DRUG KIT: to add a non-compulsory drug kit for a patient.
PROBLEMS: to enter problems regarding the selected patient (alternative to PROBLEMS button in Center Contact List). To be used if the problem is linked to a visit.
CHECK-LIST: to enter a check list linked to a patient
SDV: to track the SDV for a patient
CRF: to track the CRF for a patient
DCF: to track the DCF linked to CRF for a patient
: to go back to Patient List window