eTM Help > Study Planning > Study Level for a Study in Planning > Create Visit Schedule > Visit Schedule >


Highlight the Sub-Schedule for which you want to create the visit (always enter visits on a consecutive basis).

Click on the VISIT icon in the left horizontal menu bar in the Visit Schedule window.

Visit (cannot be changed, when having been saved), Type (cannot be changed, when having been saved.
Time After Ref. must be completed for all visits except the first; if these are not specified, schedule cannot be validated.
Via you can copy an entire visit schedule or single visits/procedures from another study (Copy from Other Visit Shedule). Of course you can copy and paste visits from within your visit schedule using the buttons in the left horizontal toolbar.

Create visits in consecutive order, i.e., create first visit of the study first, enter all procedures for this visit, then create second visit etc.
If you want to copy a complete visit schedule from another study (described in detail later on), you must not create any visits before.
For each visit you need to:
- select the visit type from drop down list:
ˇ in Selection Sub-Schedule, visit type will be automatically 'Selection'
ˇ in Enrollment Sub-Schedule you can choose between 'Enrollment', 'Post-Enrollment', and 'Final'
ˇ in Follow-up Sub-Schedule, you can choose between 'Follow-up' and 'Final'
ˇ In Floating Parameters, you can choose between 'Selection', 'Post-Enrollment' and 'Follow-up'
- define whether the visit is compulsory or not (except for a floating visit which is automatically not compulsory). Compulsory means that this visit is mandatory for all patients.
- define whether the visit refers to another visit or procedure, and if so whether there is a time tolerance regarding the completion of the visit. Except for the first visit and floating visits, all visits need to have a reference.

Click on SAVE in the right horizontal toolbar to save the entered data.

Continue with entering all procedures for this visit before creating the next visit.