eTM Help > Study Planning > Study Level for a Study in Planning > Create CRF Set >

Steps to create a CRF Set

Click the ADD button in the right horizontal toolbar in the List of CRF Sets window.

Enter the CRF set name.

Create all sections and pages consecutively (first section first, all sub-sections and pages related to first section, then next section etc.). You can also copy from other schedules.

Click the SAVE button in the right horizontal toolbar after creation of each component (section or page).

Click the VALIDATE button in the left horizontal toolbar, to validate the CRF set (note: the inscription on this button now changes to INVALIDATE).

CLOSE the Set of CRF window.

Define the CRF Set applicable' in/via List of CRF Sets. If there are several CRF set for your study, define the default set.

To modify a validated CRF set, highlight the respective CRF set in your List of CRF Sets and click on in the right horizontal toolbar or click directly on the Set of CRF name and then on INVALIDATE in the left horizontal toolbar of the Set of CRF. Now you can make any modifications. After completion of the modifications, VALIDATE set again. If you already have associated patients to the CRF set schedule, only very limited modifications are possible, e.g., you cannot delete any of the sections already entered.