eTM Help > Study in Progress > Study Level for Study in Progress >

Update Associated Personnel

Highlighted the desired study in Selected Studies window.

Click on ASSOCIATED PERS. under STUDY level in the tree displayed.

To edit information on an existing person, highlight the person and click on edit in the right lower horizontal toolbar, to add a new person click on ADD in the right lower horizontal toolbar.

Contact, Function
This screen is for the entry of persons associated with the study on a study level basis.

Enter external personnel associated with the study on a study level basis such as Medical Advisor. Notes: if somebody acts as a centralizer, he needs to be entered under associated personnel in order to be available in the pick list at 'Centralizer' in Centralized Procedures window

All persons entered here will automatically be populated to the respective pick list for the creation of contacts at the study level

Persons entered here with country 'NONE' will not be populated to study/country and will never populated Center level (wherever the country). However, persons entered as associated personnel for a study/country will appear in this window with country being the study/country for which they have been entered.

Option on Study Associated Personnel List:
TRACKING: to enter exchanges with the selected study associated personnel.

Report on Associated Personnel at Study Level