eTM Help > Study Planning > Study/Country Level > Create Recruitment Plan >

Freeze / Revise Recruitment Plan

You can only enter a revised recruitment plan for a study/country if the initial recruitment plan has been frozen. To freeze the plan, it needs to be valid.

If you haven't validated the plan yet, click on VALIDATE in the right horizontal toolbar of the Recruitment Plan window).

Highlight the respective study/country in Selected Studies/Countries and click on edit in the lower right toolbar and go to tab 'Schedule'.

Study/Country Form - Tab: Schedule

If 'Freeze the Initial Target Recruitment No.' is already ticked, continue as described on next page under 'Enter revised recruitment plan.
If not ticked, tick 'Freeze the Initial Target Recruitment No.', a warning message will be displayed:

If you click on YES: This will cause the revised recruitment plan being filled with the same data as the base plan.

Enter revised recruitment plan:
If you want to revise either enrollment start or end date or target number of patients, change 'Enrollment Revisions' as appropriate and then click on SAVE. The data will be populated to the revised recruitment plan.
Click on RECRUITMENT PLAN under STUDY/COUNTRY level in the tree displayed.
Click on edit in the right toolbar (to edit a valid recruitment plan, you need to click on INVALIDATE first).
Enter the revised numbers (patients in column 'Rvs.', Centers in column 'Pl.') and SAVE revised recruitment plan.
Click on VALIDATE in right horizontal menu bar. The total number of revised patients entered month by month must be equal to the total number of revised patients.