Click on INVESTIGATIONAL PRODUCT level (as long as you have not
entered any investigational product or selected any product,
the window will be empty).
To enter a new investigational product, click on ADD in the
lower right toolbar.
To edit information on an existing investigational product,
highlight the investigational product and click on EDIT in the
lower right toolbar.
: investigational Product Code,Therapeutic Class.
: Only if you have the right to add new investigational
product, the add button will be available.
This screen shows you detailed
information of your product.
For each product available data are:
- Investigational Product Code
- InvestigationalProduct Name
- Therapeutic Class
- Generic Name
- Principal project
Options linked to Selected
to enter product authorizations.
enter projects linked to particular products.
MANAGEMENT: to track the trial master files for a
particular investigational product