eTM Help > Study Planning > Study/Country Level > Define Externalized Services >

Create External Services Provider Centers

Highlight the respective external services in External Services window.
Click on CENTERS in External Services window (this is only possible if for 'Summary' per center has been selected.)

This is a view only screen!
Centers listed here under Externalized Services do not appear in Selected Centers on center level.

Centers created here under Externalized Services do not appear in Selected Centers on Center level.
If the service provider is only handling some of the centers while you are handling the others, do not use the Center numbers you intend to use for your Centers created here. Center numbers must be unique.
You can only create external services providers Centers if you selected in External Services 'Per Center' for Summary.
The Center window indicates the general characteristics of the selected Center: country, study no., Center number, investigator, location, scientific and financial status.
Summary window of the Center Form (1 page)
Allows you to create a new Center
Allows you to modify data of an existing Center by clicking on edit in the right lower horizontal toolbar, but entering of information in the Center itself is not possible
The information about the Center address/phone/fax displayed in the screen at 'Investigator' comes from the correspondent database and is populated automatically in this screen when the principal investigator is selected from the Contact List for the Center Form

To create a new Center, click on ADD, this will open the Center Form. This is identical to the Center Form for Centers created on Center level. Thus, please refer to chapter 'Create Centers'for data entry instructions.
As for the Center numbers, if the service providers is only handling some of the Centers while you (the sponsor) are handling the others for the country, make sure that you are using other numbers for numbering the service providers Centers than those you intend to use for your Centers, because Center numbers must be unique (even if the service providers Centers do not appear in Centers List on Center level).

Options on Center List:

ASSOCIA. PERS.: to enter the associated personnel for this Center participating in the study and to enter contacts/problems with/for the Center.
SUMMARY: to enter the summary of patient statuses for the respective Center (for details please see chapter 'Enter External Services Summary' under Study in Progress - Study/Country Level).