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View History of Contacts

If you want to know whether your correspondent has already participated in studies(this works only for those studies that are available in eTM), you can consult these two windows.

Click REVIEW STUDIES at the top of the Contact List.

This window is a consulting screen only. It gives an overview of all studies in which the correspondent has ever participated. This is independent of a Center function of the correspondent.

It displays
- The function of the correspondent in the studies in which he/she participated (not his/her function in the location)
- The study product
- The study numbers, scientific, and financial statuses, dates of beginning and end of the study (ies), study/country (ies) and Center(s) in which he/she was involved. (If a correspondent only had a function on study or study/country level, the Center fields will be empty)
- For Study' and Study/Country' the start and end dates refer to the actual study start and end dates in Study Form and Study/Country Form, respectively. For Center' Start refers to Initial Date and End to Closure Date in Center Form.

Click REVIEW CENTERS at the top of Contact List.

This window is a consulting screen only. It gives information on the Centers where the correspondent has been entered as associated personnel.

In the tabular part the window displays the function of the correspondent, the Center number, the country, the study number and the product with which the study was performed
In the lower part the performance of the Center regarding start/end date (= initial/closure date of Center Form, tab Planning/Budget), target patients, actual enrolled patients, and dropouts, is compared to the performance of all Centers in the respective study/country (start and end = Actual Dates Study Start and Study End from Study/Country Form).