eTM Help > Study Planning > Study Level for a Study in Planning > Create Financial Contract at the Study Level >

Target Expenditures related to Patients at the Study level

Highlight the contract you want to define the target expenditures related to patient in the Study Financial Contract List.

Expenditure nature if a target amount is entered.
At the study level, only expenditure related to patient for centralized procedures can be defined.
This option is available only if the Study to which the contract is associated, has a validated and applicable' Visit Schedule' with centralized procedures associated with it.
An expenditure nature and a target amount may be assigned to each of centralized procedures if desired. Proceed with caution, because the information entered at this level is essential, and these values will be used to calculate the "Payable Amount" once the centralized procedures status is manually indicated as payable.
Do not hesitate to use the option 'Assign to centralized procedures of the same type' to define rapidly the target amount.
To erase an 'Expenditure Nature' selected by error, enter '0' in the 'Target Amount' field. When saved, the line will automatically be erased.
All 'Expenditure Natures' and 'Target Amounts' for centralized procedures may be done at the same time, and saving only at the end.

Displays the list of all the centralized procedures described in the Visit Schedule selected.

Steps to assign a 'Target Amount 'to a centralized procedure

Options in Target Expenditures Related to Patients:

ASSIGN TO CENTRALIZED PROCEDURES OF THE SAME TYPE: to apply the expenditure. nature and target amount of a selected centralized procedure to all centralized procedures with the same type (in the current visit schedule and other existing visit schedule).
: displays the total target expenditures related to patients of the selected contract for the current Visit Schedule, and on average of all the Visit Schedules (for which some amounts are defined).