- Add compulsory or non-compulsory visits. The reference of the new visit can be any of the compulsory visits but the new visit can not theoretically be after the following visit of the reference (V2 V2' (V2+x days) V3 and not V2 V3 V2').
- Add compulsory or non-compulsory procedures but the reference can only be the linked visit (not previous visit or previous procedure)
- Add specific procedures
- Add floating visits, procedures or specific procedures
- Change the number of pages expected, the receipt tolerance of CRF pages, and the comment for an existing visit
- Change the tolerances between existing visits or existing procedures (but not the interval)

If reply 'Yes', the changes will be applied to those existing patients who have not yet performed the visit scheduled to follow the new change (ex: add a visit between V1 and V2, only the existing patients who have not performed V2, will have automatically the new visit created). The new components can be manually added for the existing patient.
If reply 'No', the changes will only be made to new patients' visit schedule but the new components can be manually added for the existing patients.