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Click on FINANCIAL CONTRACTS in the tree displayed in Selected Studies, Selected Studies/Countries or Selected Centers.

Click on CURRENCIES in the right horizontal toolbar.

It is important to have correct exchange rate entered between the different currencies used for the financial contract in a way to have correct global calculation especially in the reports.
This window is composed of two parts:
- the upper part displays all the already entered currencies,
- the lower part proposes the exchange rates available regarding the selected currency.
According to the choice in the zone 'Selection Mode' Detail', all the rates are displayed or the nearest rate of the date entered for each currency.

The currencies and exchange rates are used by eTM for the exchanges concerning the different amounts entered in a study.
These latter are always in the local currency of the country and the international currency of the study. The exchange always uses the nearest available rate regarding the day date.
The Currencies and Exchange Rates Detail window allows you to enter:
- the currencies used in eTM
- the currencies exchange rates.

To enter a new Currency, click on ADD in the right upper horizontal toolbar.

To enter a new Exchange rate, select the desired currency in Currencies upper part window.
Click on ADD in the right lower horizontal toolbar.
Click on SAVE in the right lower horizontal toolbar.